Early Christian Beliefs
A topical exploration of the beliefs and
teachings of the early Christian church
Have you ever wondered how the teachings and beliefs found in early Christianity compare to the teachings and beliefs that are found in churches today? If so…
“Early Christian Beliefs” is a topical exploration of the beliefs and teachings of the early Christian church.
Great effort has been made in documenting all of the information presented with Holy Scripture and historical references. Honesty and accuracy have been a priority in researching each topic.
Primary focus has been given to the historical record of the early church. This has resulted in the exposing of man-made doctrines, traditions, and paganism that may have infiltrated the church since its inception.
In short, adherence to the original gospel as delivered by Jesus Christ and the apostles has been a priority!
Upon embarking on this theological excavation, the viewer may find that many of the teachings of the early Christian church are unique, and at variance with what is commonly taught throughout Christian churches today. We encourage all sincere seekers of the truth to let God be found true, though every man be found a liar. (Romans 3:4)
We hope you enjoy this site.
Article Topics
- Accepting Jesus Christ (1)
- All Glory to God the Father (1)
- Angels & Giants (1)
- Anointing with Oil (1)
- Atheism (1)
- Babylon The Great/ Harlot (1)
- Baptism/Born Again (1)
- Christmas (1)
- Easter/Resurrection (1)
- Faith (1)
- Jesus Christ in the Believer (1)
- Legalism In the Church (1)
- Mark of the Beast (1)
- New Heavens & New Earth (1)
- Prosperity Gospel & Tithing (1)
- Salvation (1)
- Sanctity of Life (1)
- Seventy Weeks of Years Prophecy (1)
- Spirit, Soul & Body (1)
- State of the Dead (1)
- The Cross (1)
- The Deity of Jesus Christ (1)
- The Divine Name (1)
- The Gospel & the Thief On the Cross (1)
- The Holy Spirit in the Believer (1)
- The Kingdom of God (1)
- The Last Days & the End of the World (1)
- The Rapture & Great Tribulation (2)
- The Resurrection (1)
- The Sanctity of Blood (1)
- Three Basic Scriptural Truths (1)
- Trinity (5)
- Unity & Oneness of Early Church (1)
- What Is Hell? (1)
- Who will Judge (1)